










Q: “What is the capital city of Japan?”
A: “The capital city of Japan is Tokyo.”

Q: “How do I calculate the area of a circle?”
A: “To calculate the area of a circle, you can use the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius of the circle.”



Q: “I’m having trouble connecting to the internet. What should I do?”
A: “To solve the internet connection problem, you can try resetting your router, checking the network cables, or contacting your internet service provider for assistance.”

Q: “I have a stain on my white shirt. How can I remove it?”
A: “To solve the stain problem on your white shirt, you can try using a stain remover, soaking the shirt in a mixture of detergent and water, or taking it to a professional cleaner if the stain persists.”

